Mya's party was on February 14th. Several family members and some friends were able to come celebrate the day with her! She had a very exciting day and was VERY worn out by the end! Thanks to all who came and for all the cards and presents!

Trying out the fork!

Catch Pawpaw!


Checking out the presents!

Make a wish!

She loved her balloons!

The birthday girl (trying to figure out what it going on)

Amy, Mya, and Ty

Ayden trying out the new phone!

My cousin, Katie

New quilt from Great Grandma Bryant and new phone from Uncle Chad, Aunt Shelley, and Em

Grandma sharing the sugar!

Notice 2 fists full!


Ayden. Em, and Mya

My baking!!
Awe, there were some good pics. Yea :) So fun.
You baked all of that? Your talents are endless! The pics are so cute and fun to see. Thanks for sharing :)
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