This was Ayden's first program at school. I am sure we will have many more in the future but it was so fun seeing him up on the stage. He can be shy, especially in front of alot of people. He told us later that he was a little nervous. He was very serious for alot of it but he started to get more comfortable as the program progressed. Here are a few of the pics....

Mya wanted to be included in the picture taking!

Evelyn and Ayden have grown up together in there almost 5 years of life. They are only about 2 1/2 wks apart in age and they have always played together. I love that they are making the same shy face. Sometimes they get embarassed when we make them get close or hug:) In a few years I don't think that will be the case! Aren't they so cute!

Singing away

He was very serious alot of the time but I captured him having fun too!

The whole class singing jingle bells!

My handsome baby!!! I couldn't leave him out! I just love him to pieces!